Executive Coaching Intake Process

We are looking forward to our work together and want to quickly orient you to let you know what to expect when we meet. In our first orientation session we will discuss how we will work together, confidentiality, and what you want to achieve through this coaching engagement.

As you prepare for that meeting it would be very helpful if you could review and return this attached coaching intake form. It isn’t intended to be a difficult exercise so feel free to skip any questions that don’t make sense but if you can reflect and respond it will give us a starting point. Your responses will not be shared with anyone, they are just for you and your coach to discuss and review.

Coaching Intake Form

Some additional guidance

What should I do before we meet?

Review and respond to the coaching intake form and reflect on what your goals are for this coaching engagement.

How should I prepare for a coaching session?

There is not much formal preparation work required. Just think for 5 or 10 minutes about what would be most useful for you to get out of the coaching. Think about a challenge you’d like to work on - it can be related to leadership, management, strategy, culture, managing your self...

How will we work?

We will meet for an hour 1 or 2 times per month (on zoom) to work on what ever you feel is most urgent or important for you to debrief in that session. Nina will send you a zoom link so all you will need is your computer and a quiet space. I will occasionally suggest a text or an article that you might find useful to read after our conversation or suggest some homework to do before our next session.

What are good coaching topics?

You can bring a systemic challenge (e.g. how do I make progress on a difficult collaboration? How do I work on a conflict in my team? How do I prioritize given all the different demands?) or a personal challenge (e.g. how can I take care of myself? How do I speak up more? How do I delegate better?). You can use the time to debrief a difficult conversation or meeting. You can explore the leadership framework more deeply. You can prepare for your case presentation. Or you can review your next steps in your case.

Are the sessions confidential?

Yes. The specifics of your sessions are confidential between you and me.

How do I schedule a session?

See instructions in your welcome email.